Thursday 16 November 2006

Chi Sau (Sticky Hands)

Many people misunderstand the purpose of Chi Sau. Chi Sau is not sparring or even fighting at all. It is a game in which two people are training their sensitivity to their partners force, and so their speed of reaction. Their are NO winners or losers in Chi Sau and so it should not be a competiton and not involve contact as it is important to relax (this is very hard when people are beating the hell out of you). If you start doing contact Chi Sau you will miss the point of it as to react quickly you need to relax.
You may have heard Bruce Lee say to be like water, in Chi Sau this is exactly how we should be. Water is so soft you cannot grab hold of it, but it can still penetrate rock or anything. Water does not resist any force, instead it works around it, offering no resistance and when their is a hole it explodes through with immense force.

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